Extensive and Flexible Health Coverage - MediAfya+

Extensive Coverage for Your Peace of Mind

Discover our new medical plan, MediAfya+ that is designed to provide you with a variety of plans and Deductible options tailored to meet your needs.

Comprehensive Protection

Enjoy pre-and post-hospitalisation, out-patient benefits, and an Emergency Assistance Programme that doesn’t just cover you medically, but also provides you with travel, car and home assistance from any part of the world.

Flexibility at Your Fingertips

Made to tailor your budget with 2 different plans and 2 Deductible options, the RM500 Deductible per year is perfect for those seeking minimal out-of-pocket costs, while the RM5,000 Deductible per year is ideal for individuals looking for a lower contribution.  

Elevated Annual Limit with Lifetime Coverage

With a high annual limit of up to RM1,000,000, this medical rider has no lifetime limit and it can be renewed yearly until the age of 80.

Being There for You

If you are hospitalised due to an emergency or if you seek treatment at a Government Healthcare Facility, your Deductible will be waived so that you can focus on getting better without the stress of medical bills. 

Hassle-Free Hospital Admission

Show your medical card at any one of our panel hospitals to enjoy a smooth and speedy admission for your ease and convenience. 

Financial Support at Government Hospital

If you are admitted to a Government Hospital, you will receive a Daily Cash Allowance of up to RM300 as an additional support during your stay.

Schedule of Benefits

Plans Plan 200 Plan 300
Overall Limits Limit (RM)
Annual Limit 500,000 1,000,000
Lifetime Limit Unlimited 
Deductible1 (amount per year) 500 5,000   500 5,000 
In-Patient Benefits
Daily Hospital Room & Board
(limit per day, unlimited number of days)
200 300
Daily Cash Allowance at Government Hospital
(limit per day, unlimited number of days)
200 300
Intensive Care Unit or High Dependency Unit
(maximum 210 days per year)

As charged, subject to any Deductible1

Hospital Supplies & Services
Surgical Fees 
Anaesthetist Fees
Operating Theatre Fees
Ambulance Fees

In-Hospital Specialist Visit

  • Surgical - unlimited number of visits
  • Non-surgical - maximum 2 visits / day
Organ Transplant
(any organ, unlimited number of transplants)
Out-Patient Benefits

Pre-Hospitalisation Diagnostic Tests
(within 90 days prior to hospitalisation)

  • Diagnostic Tests
  • Specialist / General Practitioner Consultation
  • Medication and Treatment

As charged, subject to any Deductible1

Post-Hospitalisation Treatment
(within 210 days after discharge)

  • Diagnostic Tests
  • Specialist Consultation
  • Medication and Treatment
Day-Care Surgery
Out-Patient Physiotherapy Treatment
(within 210 days from discharge / surgery)
Emergency Accidental Out-Patient Treatment
(within 72 hours from accident and follow-up treatment up to a maximum of 31 days) 
Out-Patient Kidney Dialysis Treatment

As charged

Out-Patient Cancer Treatment
Other Benefits
Intraocular Lens – Monofocal / Multifocal
(once per lifetime, limit on each eye)
Second Medical Opinion – Critical Illness
(limit per year)
Medical Report Fees As charged, subject to any Deductible1
Emergency Assistance Program (EAP)
(The limit under EAP is additional to the Annual Limit)

 In accordance with the benefit provisions in EAP agreement

1Deductible is not applicable to Emergency Treatment (except Emergency Accidental Out-Patient Treatment) and treatment sought at a Government Healthcare Facility.

Any Person Covered aged between 30 days old and 70 years old (attained age) is eligible for coverage under MediAfya+ as a rider on selected ordinary family takaful plans. The Participant must be at least 16 years old.

The benefits payable are protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM TIPS brochure or contact Zurich Takaful Malaysia Berhad or PIDM.

Zurich Takaful beroperasi di bawah prinsip Wakalah di mana Pengendali Takaful selaku agen mengendalikan operasi perniagaan Takaful kepada Peserta. Yuran Wakalah akan dikenakan sekali bersama dengan caruman yang dibuat. Jumlah Tabarru’ akan dimasukkan ke dalam Akaun Pelaburan Risiko Peserta (APRP / Participant Risk Investment Account) di mana ia akan digunakan untuk membantu Peserta lain berdasarkan Konsep Takaful. Manfaat akan dibayar daripada APRP hanya untuk kerugian yang dilindungi, dan bukanlah semasa Sijil matang atau penyerahan Sijil. Lebihan pada setiap akhir tahun kewangan (jika ada) akan dikongsi di antara Peserta dan Zurich Takaful mengikut nisbah 50:50. Keuntungan daripada pelaburan yang diperolehi daripada Akaun Pelaburan Peserta (APP / Participant Investment Account) adalah berdasarkan kepadaaset yang disandarkan dan Zurich Takaful akan mengenakan bayaran Yuran Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar (Yuran Wakil Pelaburan) untuk menguruskan aset tersebut. Risiko pelaburan di dalam APP ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh Peserta. 100% keuntungan pelaburan selepas cukai, tolak Yuran Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar seperti dinyatakan, akan kekal di dalam APP untuk manfaat Peserta. Tiada perkongsian ke atas sebarang keuntungan yang ada di dalam APP dengan pemegang saham.