Contractor All Risks Takaful
Protection against losses or damages regarding contract works.
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. We understand how important engineering protection is in this day and age. Our Contractors' All Risks (CAR) Takaful focuses on the protection needs of the construction industry.
The Contractors' All Risks Takaful is designed to provide protection against losses or damages in respect of the contract works at contract site and 3rd party claims arising in connection with the construction of a project.
Fire, heating and underground explosion
Aircraft damage
Tornadoes and cyclones
Earthquake, landslides and volcanic eruption
Flood, lightning and storm
Water damage
In general, it is possible to extend the standard certificate to cover strike, riot and civil commotion, inland transit, overtime, night work and express freight expenses, air freight, cross liability, maintenance visits /extended maintenance among others.
Meet a Zurich Takaful Agent

The benefit(s) payable under this product is (are) protected by PIDM up to limits. For more information, please refer to PIDM's Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System brochure on Zurich General Takaful Malaysia's website or PIDM's website.
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