What is the difference between Panel and Non-Panel Workshops?

ArticleMarch 28, 2023

Dirwinny Chong
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Getting into an accident can be stressful and it is understandable that you immediately want to rush to the nearest workshops to get your vehicle repaired as soon as possible. At Zurich, we understand that in this unfortunate situation, you would want your vehicle to be repaired and cared for by professionals. Hence, we have a selection of panel workshops that have fulfilled the criteria set by PIAM. The panel workshops are also required to pass PIAM’s annual assessment through PARS (- PIAM Approved Repairers Scheme), which maintains the quality of the workshops.

Click here to find the list of our panel workshops.

You must be wondering, what is the difference between panel and non-panel workshop? Why can’t I go to my usual workshop that I usually go to for oil change? Here’s a table to summarize the differences:

Panel Workshops Non- Panel Workshops
Equipped with trained professionals to ensure that you receive the best quality of service We are unable to guarantee the quality of repair provided by non-panel workshop
Assurance that the workshops have been assessed / approved by PIAM Workshop is not assessed / approved by PIAM
Warranty of replaced parts No warranty of replaced parts
Easier & faster claim process: Panel workshop is well experienced with the claim submission process via Merimen Delayed claim process: Non-panel workshop may not be familiar with claim submission process and you may need to sign additional consent form

Rest assured, our panel workshops are subject to annual assessment to ensure they meet the high-quality standards we promised you. We also take your feedback seriously, so do feel free to reach out to us should you have any. We are here for you!
