Claims Process
At Zurich, we believe in making your claims process as easy and as hassle free as possible.
All that we ask in return is that you notify us immediately, or as soon as practically possible, of any potential claims so that we can assist you with your claim without delay.
General Insurance
Applicable for motor accident claim up to RM3,000. Just scan the QR code below or WhatsApp us, your claim will be approved within 1 hour.
Step 2
Send ‘Hi’ to initiate the chat via WhatsApp
Step 3
Upload required document(s) and your claim will be approved within 1 hour*
*Operating hours from 8:30AM to 5:15PM only
Step 4
Get your payment within 5 working days upon receipt of your acceptance of our offer
Step 1
Make a police report within 24 hours for the following types of claims*:
- Incidents where there is evidence of a criminal act
- Involving foreign workers’ compensation due to fatal/motor accidents, (loss of) money, personal accident or public liability
Step 2
Prepare all required supporting documents
Kindly note that the following list of required documents may not be exhaustive. You may talk to us regarding your claims by writing in to us.
Step 3
Kindly notify us through one of the following channels below:
- Submit your claim online or,
- Head over to any of our
Zurich General Insurance branches with completed claim form and other supporting documents or, - Talk to your respective servicing agent.
Burglary |
Fire |
Marine |
Personal Accident | Injury or Permanent Disablement:
Travel | To download the Travel Insurance Claim forms, please click here. |
Foreign Workers' Compensation Scheme | Injury or Permanent Disablement: For accidents within working hours:
General Takaful
Applicable for motor accident claim up to RM3,000. Just scan the QR code below or WhatsApp us, your claim will be approved within 1 hour.
Step 2
Send ‘Hi’ to initiate the chat via WhatsApp
Step 3
Upload required document(s) and your claim will be approved within 1 hour*
*Operating hours from 8:30AM to 5:15PM only
Step 4
Get your payment within 5 working days upon receipt of your acceptance of our offer
Step 1
Make a police report within 24 hours for the following types of claims*:
- Incidents where there is evidence of a criminal act
- Involving foreign workers’ compensation due to fatal/motor accidents, (loss of) money, personal accident or public liability
Step 2
Prepare all required supporting documents
Kindly note that the following list of required documents may not be exhaustive. You may talk to us regarding your claims by writing in to us.
Step 3
Kindly notify us through one of the following channels below:
- Submit your claim online or,
- Head over to any of our
Zurich General Insurance branches with completed claim form and other supporting documents or, - Talk to your respective servicing agent.
Burglary |
Fire |
Marine |
Personal Accident | Injury or Permanent Disablement:
Travel | To download the Travel Insurance Claim forms, please click here. |
Foreign Workers' Compensation Scheme |
Injury or Permanent Disablement: For accidents within working hours:
Life Insurance
Step 1
Prepare the required documents as stated below.
Step 2
Complete the required form(s) and get your attending doctor to complete the required Physician’s Statement form (if applicable).
Step 3
Kindly notify/ submit your claim via one of the following options:
- Complete the online form
- Your servicing agent
- Your nearest Zurich branch
A. Compulsory documents:
1. Claimant's Statement Form
2. CTC of Claimant’s NRIC / Passport / Residence card
3. Attending Physician’s Statement (Accident & Hospitalisation Claim) Form (for claim amount exceeding RM500 or certificate duration of less than 2 years from the Issue Date or Reinstatement Date, whichever is later)
4. CTC of Admission and Discharge Notes / Summary or Hospital Bills/Invoices
5. CTC of Histopathology Report (applicable for Female Illnesses claims i.e Fibroid, Ovarian Cyst etc)
6. CTC of Blood Test / Pap Smear / Mammogram / Abdomen / Pelvis Ultrasound Report (applicable for Annual Medical Check Up Allowance claim)
7. CTC of Child’s Birth Certificate (applicable for Newborn Allowance claim)
8. Original Bills and Receipts (applicable for reimbursement claims i.e Fibroid, Ovarian Cyst, Annual Medical Check Up etc that are under Maaster / Maax Wanita)
B. Additional documents (if any):
1. CTC of MRI, X-ray, CT Scan or other Radiology / Medical Reports
If you wish to talk to us regarding your claim and have any queries on the above, you may call us at 1-300-888-622 or write in to us.
Important Notes:
1. CTC - Certified True Copy
2. To facilitate the processing, please submit to us all required documents.
3. The copy of documents must be certified by Zurich Chief Agency Manager / Zurich Officer / Judge / Magistrate / Solicitors.
4. The list of required documents for Life Insurance Claims serves as a guideline for claims submission. The Company reserves the right to request for further information or documents if deemed necessary.
5. For Waiver of Premium claim (on Death / Critical Illness / Total and Permanent Disability), please refer to the required documents as listed under Death / Critical Illness / Total and Permanent Disability.
Family Takaful
Step 1
Prepare the required documents as stated below.
Step 2
Complete the required form(s) and get your attending doctor to complete the required Physician’s Statement form (if applicable).
Step 3
Kindly notify/ submit your claim via one of the following options:
- Complete the online form
- Your servicing agent
- Your nearest Zurich branch
1. Claimant’s Statement Form
2. CTC of Claimant’s NRIC / Passport / Residence card
3. Attending Physician’s Statement (Accident & Hospitalisation Claim) Form (for claim amount exceeding RM500 or certificate duration of less than 2 years from the Issue Date or Reinstatement Date, whichever is later)
4. CTC of Admission and Discharge Notes / Summary or Hospital Bills/Invoices
5. CTC of Histopathology Report (applicable for Female Illnesses claims i.e Fibroid, Ovarian Cyst etc)
6. CTC of Blood Test / Pap Smear / Mammogram / Abdomen / Pelvis Ultrasound Report (applicable for Annual Medical Check Up Allowance claim)
7. CTC of Child’s Birth Certificate (applicable for Newborn Allowance claim)
8. Original Bills and Receipts (applicable for reimbursement claims i.e Fibroid, Ovarian Cyst, Annual Medical Check Up etc that are under Maaster / Maax Wanita)
B. Additional documents (if any):
1. CTC of MRI, X-ray, CT Scan or other Radiology / Medical Reports
If you wish to talk to us regarding your claim and have any queries on the above, you may call us at 1-300-888-622 or write in to us.
Important Notes:
1. CTC - Certified True Copy
2. To facilitate the processing, please submit to us all required documents.
3. The copy of documents must be certified by Zurich Takaful Officer, Judge, Magistrate or Solicitors
4. The list of required documents for Family Takaful Claims serves as a guideline for claims submission. The Company reserves the right to request for further information or documents if deemed necessary.
5. For Waiver of Contribution claim (on Death / Critical Illness / Total and Permanent Disability), please refer to the required documents as listed under Death / Critical Illness / Total and Permanent Disability.