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Z-Drive Assist Takaful

Drive with Confidence on the Road with Z-Drive Assist Takaful

Drive with Confidence on the Road with Z-Drive Assist, our yearly renewable insurance plan which provides 24/7 Roadside Assistance for your vehicle. Even better, we have Flood Protection & Personal Accident Benefits for the Driver and All Passengers of the Vehicle.


  • English
  • Bahasa Malaysia
  • What is the scope of cover ?

    Basic coverage

    • Accidental Death
    • Accidental Permanent Disablement
    • Medical Expenses
    • Daily Hospital Income
    • Towing & Roadside Assistance Benefit
    • Courtesy Car
    • Inconvenience Allowance due to Flood

    Optional Benefits

    • Snatch Theft Protect
    • ATM Robbery
    • Dengue Care
    • Optional Courtesy Car according to the selected days.



    • Please refer to the certificate wording for full benefits, terms and conditions under this product.
    • Duration of cover is for one (1) year. You need to renew your takaful cover annually.
    • Coverage include driver and all passengers of your car.

    This product also offers add on features with additional contribution:

    • Allows to subscribe this certificate even if your motor certificate is not with Zurich Takaful.

    • Allows to subscribe this certificate for additional vehicle within the same certificate with same vehicle owner.

    Additional Features
    Basic Plan
    Superior Plan
    Enrolled non-Zurich private car takaful certificate (standalone)
    Include additional car under same certificate (up to 5 vehicles per certificate)
  • How much do I have to pay?

    The total contribution that you have to make depends on the plan, no. of passengers, and extra coverage selection as follows:

    Basic Coverage

    Coverage Description
    Basic Plan
    Superior Plan
    Base Contribution (5 seating capacity)
    RM 83
    RM 104
    Additional Seating Capacity
    RM 12
    RM 18
    Additional Vehicle
    RM 64


    Extra Cover (Optional Benefits)

    Optional Benefits Description
    Basic Plan
    Superior Plan
    Snatch Theft Protect
    RM 33
    RM 33
    ATM Robbery
    Dengue Care
    Courtesy Car (5 days)
    RM 18
    Courtesy Car (10 days)
    RM 75


    Note: Please add 6% tax and RM10 stamp duty.

  • Where can I get more information?
  • Contact us

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The benefit(s) payable under this product is (are) protected by PIDM up to limits. For more information, please refer to PIDM's Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System brochure on Zurich General Takaful Malaysia's website or PIDM's website.

  • Apakah manfaat yang saya perolehi?

    Manfaat Asas

    • Kematian Akibat Kemalangan
    • Keilatan Kekal Akibat Kemalangan
    • Perbelanjaan Perubatan
    • Elaun Hospital Harian
    • Bantuan Tunda dan Kerosakan di Bahu Jalan
    • Kereta Ihsan Selepas Kemalangan
    • Elaun Kesulitan Akibat Banjir

    Manfaat Pilihan

    • Perlindungan Akibat Diragut
    • Rompakkan ATM
    • Penjagaan Denggi
    • Kereta Ihsan Pulihan Mengikuti Bilangan Hari


    • Sila rujuk kontrak sijil untuk senarai penuh manfaat, terma dan syarat di bawah sijil ini.
    • Tempoh Perlindungan takaful adalah bagi satu (1) tahun. Anda perlu memperbaharui perlindungan takaful anda setiap tahun.
    • Perlindungan termasuk pemandu dan serta semua Penumpang di Kenderaan.

    Produk ini juga menawarkan manfaat tambahan dengan sumbangan tambahan:

    • Dibenarkan menyertai walaupun kenderaan anda dilindungi dengan Syarikat takaful yang Lain (Pelan Superior sahaja).

    • Pemilik kenderaan yang sama boleh menambahkan kenderaan lain didalam sijil yang sama.

    Manfaat Tambahan
    Pelan Asas
    Pelan Superior
    Membeli sijil takaful kereta persendirian bukan berdaftar dengan Zurich (mandiri)
    Tidak Dibenarkan
    Sertakan kereta tambahan di bawah sijil yang sama (sehingga 5 kenderaan setiap sijil)
    Tidak Dibenarkan
  • Berapakah caruman yang perlu saya buat?

    Jumlah caruman yang harus anda buat bergantung pada pelan , bilangan penumpang, dan pilihan manfaat tambahan seperti berikut:

    Manfaat Asas

    Huraian Manfaat
    Pelan Asas
    Pelan Superior
    Caruman Asas (5 tempat duduk penumpang)
    RM 83
    RM 104
    Tambahan kapisiti tempat duduk
    RM 12
    RM 18
    Tambahan Kenderaan
    RM 64


    Manfaat Tambahan

    Pilihan Manfaat
    Pelan Basic
    Pelan Superior
    Perlindungan Akibat diragut
    RM 33
    RM 33
    Rompakkan ATM
    Penjagaan Denggi
    Kereta Bantuan / Ilhsan (5 hari)
    RM 18
    Kereta Bantuan / Ilhsan (10 hari)
    RM 75


    Nota: Sila tambah 6% cukan dan RM10 duti setem.

  • Di manakah saya boleh mendapat lebih maklumat?
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Manfaat-manfaat yang dibayar di bawah produk ini dilindungi oleh PIDM sehingga had perlindungan. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila rujuk brosur Sistem Perlindungan Manfaat Takaful dan Insurans PIDM yang boleh didapati di laman web Zurich General Takaful Malaysia atau di laman web PIDM.