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Fire Takaful

Protect your property and inventory from fire-related incidents.

While there’s plenty that we can do to prevent the unfortunate event of a fire, fire outbreaks can happen at the most unexpected of times. If it does happen, we’re here to make sure your finances aren’t burned, too.

Our Fire Takaful is designed to cover the losses or damages to your property and personal belongings that are caused by fire, lightning or explosion caused by gas used for domestic purposes.

Important Notice on Fire Takaful Cost Calculation

Under-insured / under-coverage for fire of your property can lead to inadequate compensation due to the application of average clause. To get a quick insurance / Takaful coverage estimate for your property (ie. residential properties, simple shop houses and shop offices), you may use the Building Cost Calculator, which is jointly developed by Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) and the Malaysia Takaful Association (MTA). Do note that the calculator provides an estimate of the rebuilding cost of your property for evaluation purposes only, and does not guarantee the actual amount that the we may agree to cover your property for.

Building Cost Calculator (ENG)
Building Cost Calculator (BM)
  • English
  • Bahasa Malaysia
  • House Fire Takaful scope

    The fire takaful certificate covers losses or damages to your covered property i.e. your private residence and its contents; that are caused by fire, lightning or explosion of domestic boilers and gas used for domestic purposes only during the period of takaful.

    You may extend your certificate to cover the following perils by giving additional contribution:

    • Aircraft damage
    • Earthquake and volcanic eruption
    • Storm, tempest
    • Flood
    • Explosion
    • Impact damage
    • Bursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus or pipes
    • Bush / lalang fire
    • Subsidence and landslip
    • Riot, strike and malicious damag
    • Damage by falling trees or branches and objects

    Note: You need to renew your fire takaful certificate every year.

  • How much can i get covered for with Zurich House Fire Takaful

    The coverage is based on the cost of restoring the damaged property or replacing it with a property that is similar in condition to that of the time when the loss occurred.

    For Your Property

    The current cost of reconstructing the building back to its original form, minus deduction justified for betterment.

    Betterment is an addition / alteration to your property which results in it being in a better condition than before the fire incident, for e.g. remodelling the kitchen with cabinets that are more expensive than the original cabinets.

    For Your Personal Belongings

    The cost of replacing a new item, minus deduction for depreciation of value due to wear and tear. Your personal belongings include appliances, furniture and clothing.

  • Contribution for House Fire Takaful

    Above RM 50 Million Special Rating
    PIAM* Technical Rating Committee will determine the special rating
    RM 10 Million - RM 50 Million Self Rating
    Contribution rates are computed by Zurich using the self-rating structure provided by PIAM*
    Below RM 10 Million Tariff Rating
    Contribution rates are as per Revised Fire Tariff (w.e.f. 1st July 2000)

    * Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia

    Note: Other charges include commissions paid to the insurance agent, a stamp duty of RM 10.00 and the Goods and Services Tax amounting to 6% of the contributions.

  • Fire Takaful Certificate and Product Disclosure

  • House Fire Takaful Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Houseowner Fire Takaful?

    A houseowner fire takaful offers coverage for your home and personal belongings inside your home in the event of their loss or damage due to fire, explosion, flood, and more such perils that are listed in the takaful certificate.

    What is not covered under House Fire Takaful?

    The following options are not covered under the standard house fire takaful certificate:

    1. Earthquake, volcanic eruption and other convulsion of nature
    2. Typhoon, hurricane, tornado, cyclone or other atmospheric disturbance
    3. Subterranean Fire
    4. Burning of property by order of any public authority
    5. Explosion other than domestic explosion
    6. Bush/lalang fire
    7. Theft
    8. Spontaneous combustion
    9. War, Terrorism, Nuclear and Radioactivity Risks
    10. All other exclusions as per the fire certificate.
    11. Any other events prohibited by Shariah principles.

    However, you may make additional contribution to cover some of the above peril exclusions.

  • Contact us.

    Meet a Zurich Takaful Agent    

    Send an enquiry for a Zurich Takaful Agent meeting

    Locate Your Nearest Zurich Branch  

    Locate Your Nearest Zurich Branch

    Contact Our Zurich Call Centre

    Contact Our Zurich Takaful Customer Care 

The benefit(s) payable under this product is (are) protected by PIDM up to limits. For more information, please refer to PIDM's Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System brochure on Zurich General Insurance Malaysia's website or PIDM's website.

  • Apakah skop perlindungan yang diperolehi?

    Sijil takaful kebakaran ini melindungi kerugian atau kerosakan terhadap harta anda yang dilindungi, cth. kediaman peribadi anda dan kandungannya; yang disebabkan oleh kebakaran, kilat atau letupan peralatan domestik serta gas yang digunakan untuk tujuan domestik sahaja sepanjang tempoh perlindungan takaful.

    Anda boleh melanjutkan manfaat sijil anda dengan menyumbang caruman tambahan bagi melindungi peril-peril berikut:

    • Kerosakan disebabkan oleh pesawat udara
    • Gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi
    • Ribut, ribut kencang
    • Banjir
    • Letupan
    • Kerosakan hentaman
    • Pecahan atau limpahan peralatan tangki air atau paip
    • Kebakaran belukar / lalang
    • Tanah jerius dan tanah runtuh
    • Rusuhan, mogok dan kerosakan akibat perbuatan berniat jahat
    • Kerosakan akibat pokok tumbang ataupun dahan pokok dan objek lain

    Nota: Anda perlu memperbaharui sijil takaful kebakaran setiap tahun.

  • Berapakah jumlah perlindungan yang saya perlukan?

    Perlindungan ini adalah berdasarkan kos mengembalikan harta yang rosak atau menggantikannya dengan harta yang sama sepertimana keadaan semasa kerugian berlaku.

    Untuk Harta Anda

    Kos semasa bagi membina semula bangunan kepada bentuk asalnya, tolak potongan yang sewajarnya bagi penambahbaikan.

    Penambahbaikan (betterment) adalah tambahan / perubahan kepada harta anda yang menyebabkan ia berada dalam keadaan yang lebih baik daripada sebelum kejadian kebakaran, sebagai cth. pengubahsuaian dapur dengan kabinet yang lebih mahal daripada kabinet asal.

    Untuk Barangan Peribadi Anda

    Kos menggantikan item baru, tolak potongan susut nilai akibat haus dan lusuh. Barangan peribadi anda termasuk peralatan, perabot dan pakaian.

  • Berapakah jumlah caruman yang dikenakan?
    Melebihi RM 50 Juta Penilaian Khas
    Jawatankuasa PenilaianTeknikal PIAM * akan menentukan penilaian khas tersebut
    RM 10 Juta - RM 50 Juta Penilaian Kendiri
    Kadar caruman dikira oleh pihak Zurich menggunakan struktur penilaian kendiri seperti yang disediakan oleh PIAM*
    Di Bawah RM 10 Juta Penilaian Tarif
    Kadar caruman adalah mengikut Tarif Kebakaran yang Disemak Semula (berkuatkuasa 1hb Julai 2000)

    * Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia

    Nota: Caj-caj lain termasuk komisyen yang dibayar kepada ejen takaful, duti setem sebanyak RM 10.00 dan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan berjumlah 6% daripada jumlah caruman.

  • Di manakah saya boleh mendapat lebih maklumat?
  • Hubungi kami

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Manfaat-manfaat yang dibayar di bawah produk ini dilindungi oleh PIDM sehingga had perlindungan. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila rujuk brosur Sistem Perlindungan Manfaat Takaful dan Insurans PIDM yang boleh didapati di laman web Zurich General Takaful Malaysia atau di laman web PIDM.