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Takaful Term 80

Affordable Term Takaful to Protect the future of you and your loved ones.

The joys of coming home after a hard day's work to your welcoming family is every breadwinner's blessing. To protect this bliss, it's time to think about the future of your loved ones.

Zurich Family Takaful Term 80 is a flexible and regular contribution plan based on Shariah ideals, that has been specially designed to provide financial protection to your family, gaining the peace of mind you deserve.


Takaful Term 80 Product Features and Benefits

  • English
  • Bahasa Malaysia
  • Why should I choose the Takaful Term 80 plan?

    • 24-hours protection with worldwide coverage.
    • Affordable & level contribution1 until maturity.
    • Provides guaranteed coverage until the age of 80.
    • Flexible Payment Channel - Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, Easy Contribution Payment, Auto Debit, Zurich Takaful ATM Machine, Over-the-Counter (Zurich Takaful Branches or Head Office), BSN Giro, 2Public Sector Bank Standing Instruction, Internet Banking and ePayment facility.
    • Provide financial security to your family.
    • The contribution made may qualify for a personal tax relief maximum up to RM6,000 a year (subject to the final decision of Inland Revenue Board (IRB) of Malaysia).
    • Surplus Sharing — every Participant is entitled to share the surplus if any, from the Risk Fund with the Takaful Operator based on a 50:50 sharing ratio. This is not guaranteed and subject to terms and conditions.

    Notes :

    1 Contribution is anticipated to be level until maturity and it is not guaranteed. The Company reserves the right to revise the contribution by giving 3 months notice.

    2 Additional 2% will be added to the Wakalah Fee for payment under Public Sector.

  • What benefits do I get with Takaful Term 80?

    Takaful Term 80 offers a guaranteed coverage on Death and Total and Permanent Disability up to age 80. In addition, it focuses on a pure protection and a level contribution until maturity. It has the following benefits:

    Benefits Takaful Term 80

    Death Benefit

    In the event of Death, the 1Basic Sum Covered plus the 2Participant Investment Account (PIA) value, will be payable to the Participantís nominees.

    TPD Benefit Should 3TPD occur before the age of 70, the 1Basic Sum Covered plus the 2PIA value, will be payable to the Participant
    Flexible Term of Coverage It offers flexible terms of coverage with choice of terms from 5 years until expiry age 80 years old. On maturity of the plan, the PIA is payable.
    Maturity Benefit You will receive the maturity benefit which is equal to the 2PIA Value. There will be no benefit paid from the 4Participant Risk Investment Account (PRIA).

    Notes :

    1 Sum Covered for Death benefit, TPD benefit, and benefits provided by the rider(s) taken are guaranteed, as long as the certificate is in force in which the PIA balance is sufficient to pay for tabarru' deduction to the Risk Fund. In the event of deficit in the Risk Fund, it would be met through Qardh (interest free loan) from the Takaful Operator.

    2 PIA value is based on the actual performance of the fund and it is not guaranteed. The investment risk of the PIA fund will be borne solely by the Participant and the value of the fund may be less than the total contributions made to the investment fund.

    3 TPD —Total & Permanent Disability

    4 PRIA is a risk fund where the tabarru' (donation) will be credited and is used to help other Participant in times of misfortune.

  • Who is eligible for Takaful Term 80 plan?

    This plan covers anyone from the age of 30 days old up to 70 years old. However, the Participant/Applicant must be at least 16 years old and above.

  • Enhance Your Plan with Takaful Term 80's Riders

    Zurich takaful Term 80 plan provides several optional features that can make your future secure. Check them below:

    • Critical Illness Plus coverage upon diagnosis of a critical illness.
    • Critical Illness Super additional coverage for death, TPD, and critical illness.
    • Waiver of contribution in the event of a critical illness.
    • Waiver of contribution in the event of Death, TPD or upon diagnosis of a Critical Illness of the parent and spouse.
    • Daily cash benefit for hospitalisation due to illnesses or injuries.
    • Coverage for accidental death and dismemberment.
    • Reimbursement for medical expenses for medical treatment required in the event of an accident.
    • Weekly income coverage while the beneficiary is unable to work due to a temporary disability caused by accident.
    • Additional coverage for TPD which occurs 90 days from date of accident.
    • Khusus Protection. (Provides Funeral Expense)
  • Where can I get more information about Takaful Term 80?

  • Takaful Term 80 Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I make my Term 80 contribution?

    Zurich takaful offers the convenience of Flexible Payment Channel. Make your Takaful Term 80 contribution by - Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, Easy Contribution Payment, Auto Debit, Zurich Takaful ATM Machine, Over-the-Counter (Zurich Takaful Branches or Head Office), BSN Giro, Public Sector1 , Bank Standing Instruction, Internet Banking and ePayment facility. *Please refer to your Wealth Planner for further details.

    What will happen if I do not make my Term 80 contribution?

    If your contributions are not made by the due date, your Tabarru amounts will be automatically deducted from your Participant Investment Account (PIA) into the Participant Risk Investment Account (PRIA), until the PIA is insufficient, at which time your Takaful Term 80 Certificate shall lapse. You may reinstate the Certificate by paying RM50 for Reinstatement Fee.

    What is the minimum and maximum term of coverage for this takaful life plan?

    The minimum term of coverage is 5 years. Meanwhile, the maximum term limit of coverage will be until covered participant's age reaches 80 years old. For example, a covered participant entering with age 67 have a maximum term limit of 13 years.

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The benefits payable are protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM TIPS brochure or contact Zurich Takaful Malaysia Berhad or PIDM.

Zurich Takaful operates under the principle of Wakalah, whereby the Takaful Operator acts as an agent to the Participant for managing the operations of the Takaful business. A Wakalah Fee will be charged up-front from the contributions made. Tabarru’ (donation) will be deducted to the Participant Risk Investment Account (PRIA), where it will be used for mutual aid and assistance, based on the concept of Takaful. The benefits are paid from the PRIA only upon a covered loss, and not upon maturity or surrender of the certificate. Surplus Sharing (if any) at the end of each financial year will be shared between the Participant, and Zurich Takaful at a 50:50 ratio. The investment profit earned on the Participant Investment Account (PIA) is derived from the return on underlying assets and Zurich Takaful charges a Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar Fee (Investment Agency Fee) for managing these assets. The investment risk in PIA is fully borne by the Participant. 100% of investment profit earned, net of tax, less the aforementioned Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar Fee, will remain in the PIA for the benefit of the Participant. There will be no further sharing of the investment profit arising in the PIA with Shareholders.

  • Kenapa saya perlu pilih pelan ini?
    • Perlindungan 24 jam di seluruh dunia
    • Kadar yang berpatutan dan 1caruman yang setara sehingga matang
    • Menyediakan perlindungan yang dijamin sehingga umur 80 tahun
    • Saluran pembayaran yang fleksibel ñ Tunai, Cek, Kad Kredit, Pembayaran Caruman Mudah, Auto Debit, Mesin ATM Zurich Takaful, Pembayaran di Kaunter (Cawangan Zurich Takaful dan Ibu Pejabat), BSN Giro, 2Biro Angkasa, Perintah Arahan Tetap dari Bank, Perbankan Internet dan fasiliti ePembayaran
    • Menyediakan jaminan kewangan kepada keluarga anda
    • Caruman yang dibuat akan diberi pelepasan cukai individu sehingga jumlah maksimum sebanyak RM6,000 setahun (bergantung kepada keputusan akhir dari Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri)
    • Perkongsian Lebihan ñ setiap Peserta layak untuk berkongsi Lebihan, jika ada dari Dana Risiko dengan Pengendali Takaful tertakluk kepada nisbah 50:50. Ianya tidak dijamin dan tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat


    1 Caruman adalah dijangka setara sehingga matang dan ianya tidak dijamin. Pengendali Takaful mempunyai hak untuk menyemak kadar caruman dengan pemberitahuan 3 bulan notis.

    2 Lebihan 2% Yuran Wakalah akan dikenakan bagi bayaran melalui Biro Angkasa.

  • Apakah manfaat yang saya perolehi?

    Takaful Term 80 menawarkan jaminan perlindungan untuk Kematian dan Hilang Upaya Keseluruhan dan Kekal (HUKK) sehingga umur 80 tahun. Tambahan pula, ianya tertumpu kepada perlindungan dan kadar sumbangan yang tetap sehingga matang. Ianya menawarkan faedah-faedah seperti berikut:

    Manfaat Takaful Term 80

    Manfaat Kematian

    Sekiranya berlaku Kematian ke atas Peserta, 1Jumlah Dilindungi dan nilai 2Akaun Pelaburan Peserta (APP), akan dibayar kepada penerima manfaat Peserta.

    Manfaat HUKK Sekiranya Orang Yang Dilindungi mengalami 3HUKK sebelum umur 70, 1Jumlah Dilindungi dan nilai 2APP, akan dibayar kepada Peserta.
    Tempoh Perlindungan Yang Fleksibel Ianya menawarkan tempoh perlindungan fleksibel dengan pilihan tempoh antara 5 tahun sehingga umur matang iaitu 80 tahun. Apabila pelan matang, nilai APP akan dibayar.
    Manfaat Kematangan Peserta akan menerima Manfaaat Kematangan yang bersamaan dengan jumlah nilai 2APP. Tiada manfaat yang akan dibayar daripada 4Akaun Pelaburan Risiko Peserta (APRP).

    Nota :

    1 Manfaat Kematian, manfaat Hilang Upaya Keseluruhan dan Kekal, dan manfaat-manfaat yang disediakan oleh manfaat-manfaat tambahan yang diambil adalah dijamin, dengan syarat baki di dalam APP adalah mencukupi untuk membayar potongan tabarru yang dikreditkan dalam Dana Risiko. Sekiranya berlaku defisit di dalam Dana Risiko, ia akan dibayar melalui Qardh (pinjaman tanpa faedah) daripada Pengendali Takaful.

    2 APP adalah berdasarkan prestasi dana yang sebenar dan ianya tidak dijamin. Risiko pelaburan di dalam APP akan ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh Peserta dan manfaat yang diperolehi mungkin bernilai kurang dari jumlah caruman yang dilaburkan ke dalam dana.

    3 HUKK — Hilang Upaya Keseluruhan dan Kekal

    4 APRP adalah dana risiko yang mana tabarru' (sumbangan) akan disalurkan yang bertujuan digunakan untuk sokongan dan bantuan bersama sekiranya Peserta ditimpa musibah.

  • Apakah syarat kelayakan menyertai pelan ini?

    Sesiapa sahaja yang berumur di antara 30 hari sehingga 69 tahun layak dilindungi. Namun begitu, Peserta/Pemohon mesti berusia 16 tahun ke atas.

  • Di manakah saya boleh mendapat lebih maklumat?
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Manfaat-manfaat yang dibayar adalah dilindungi oleh PIDM sehingga had perlindungan. Sila rujuk Brosur Sistem Perlindungan Manfaat Takaful dan Insurans PIDM atau hubungi Zurich Takaful Malaysia Berhad atau PIDM.

Zurich Takaful beroperasi di bawah prinsip Wakalah di mana Pengendali Takaful selaku agen mengendalikan operasi perniagaan Takaful kepada Peserta. Yuran Wakalah akan dikenakan sekali bersama dengan caruman yang dibuat. Jumlah Tabarru’ akan dimasukkan ke dalam Akaun Pelaburan Risiko Peserta (APRP / Participant Risk Investment Account) di mana ia akan digunakan untuk membantu Peserta lain berdasarkan Konsep Takaful. Manfaat akan dibayar daripada APRP hanya untuk kerugian yang dilindungi, dan bukanlah semasa Sijil matang atau penyerahan Sijil. Lebihan pada setiap akhir tahun kewangan (jika ada) akan dikongsi di antara Peserta dan Zurich Takaful mengikut nisbah 50:50. Keuntungan daripada pelaburan yang diperolehi daripada Akaun Pelaburan Peserta (APP / Participant Investment Account) adalah berdasarkan kepadaaset yang disandarkan dan Zurich Takaful akan mengenakan bayaran Yuran Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar (Yuran Wakil Pelaburan) untuk menguruskan aset tersebut. Risiko pelaburan di dalam APP ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh Peserta. 100% keuntungan pelaburan selepas cukai, tolak Yuran Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar seperti dinyatakan, akan kekal di dalam APP untuk manfaat Peserta. Tiada perkongsian ke atas sebarang keuntungan yang ada di dalam APP dengan pemegang saham.