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Takaful 3asyCare

The protection shield you need for life’s critical moments.

Every year, more and more Malaysians are diagnosed with critical illnesses. It could happen to anyone at any stage of their lives – an unpleasant event that may leave an emotional and financial impact on you and your loved ones. Takaful 3asyCare is a critical illness plan which provides takaful coverage until the Person Covered reaches age 80.

To give you more financial support, the Special Care Benefit (10% of Basic Sum Covered) will be payable within 1 working day*.

*applicable upon submission of complete set of required documentations before 2pm.

Important Notice on Income Protection Coverage

Income protection – the ability to ensure financial security even in the face of crises such as long-term illness, disability or death – plays a crucial role in our lives and that of our loved ones. Yet, the income protection gap is present in many families, who do not have financial compensation should there be a reduction / loss in household income due unexpected events. To get a quick calculation on how much insurance / takaful coverage can be obtained based on your budget and needs, try out Protection Gap and Budget Calculator.

  • English
  • Bahasa Malaysia

The benefits payable are protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM TIPS brochure or contact Zurich Takaful Malaysia Berhad or PIDM.

Zurich Takaful operates under the principle of Wakalah, whereby the Takaful Operator acts as an agent to the Participant for managing the operations of the Takaful business. A Wakalah Fee will be charged up-front from the contributions made. Tabarru’ (donation) will be deducted to the Participant Risk Investment Account (PRIA), where it will be used for mutual aid and assistance, based on the concept of Takaful. The benefits are paid from the PRIA only upon a covered loss, and not upon maturity or surrender of the certificate. Surplus Sharing (if any) at the end of each financial year will be shared between the Participant, and Zurich Takaful at a 50:50 ratio. The investment profit earned on the Participant Investment Account (PIA) is derived from the return on underlying assets and Zurich Takaful charges a Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar Fee (Investment Agency Fee) for managing these assets. The investment risk in PIA is fully borne by the Participant. 100% of investment profit earned, net of tax, less the aforementioned Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar Fee, will remain in the PIA for the benefit of the Participant. There will be no further sharing of the investment profit arising in the PIA with Shareholders.

Manfaat-manfaat yang dibayar adalah dilindungi oleh PIDM sehingga had perlindungan. Sila rujuk Brosur Sistem Perlindungan Manfaat Takaful dan Insurans PIDM atau hubungi Zurich Takaful Malaysia Berhad atau PIDM.

Zurich Takaful beroperasi di bawah prinsip Wakalah di mana Pengendali Takaful selaku agen mengendalikan operasi perniagaan Takaful kepada Peserta. Yuran Wakalah akan dikenakan sekali bersama dengan caruman yang dibuat. Jumlah Tabarru’ akan dimasukkan ke dalam Akaun Pelaburan Risiko Peserta (APRP / Participant Risk Investment Account) di mana ia akan digunakan untuk membantu Peserta lain berdasarkan Konsep Takaful. Manfaat akan dibayar daripada APRP hanya untuk kerugian yang dilindungi, dan bukanlah semasa Sijil matang atau penyerahan Sijil. Lebihan pada setiap akhir tahun kewangan (jika ada) akan dikongsi di antara Peserta dan Zurich Takaful mengikut nisbah 50:50. Keuntungan daripada pelaburan yang diperolehi daripada Akaun Pelaburan Peserta (APP / Participant Investment Account) adalah berdasarkan kepadaaset yang disandarkan dan Zurich Takaful akan mengenakan bayaran Yuran Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar (Yuran Wakil Pelaburan) untuk menguruskan aset tersebut. Risiko pelaburan di dalam APP ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh Peserta. 100% keuntungan pelaburan selepas cukai, tolak Yuran Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar seperti dinyatakan, akan kekal di dalam APP untuk manfaat Peserta. Tiada perkongsian ke atas sebarang keuntungan yang ada di dalam APP dengan pemegang saham.

Note: This is a pure protection product where the sole purpose of the product is to provide you with coverage for specific covered events. You should not expect to receive any investment return throughout the term of the policy or when the policy matures. This product is distributed and sold without going through any intermediaries.

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