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EZI Term

Be debt-free. Plan ahead for those you truly love.

Misfortune is unpredictable; it is time to plan what is best for your future and your loved ones. We will always be with you and your family at times of hardships and help you to minimize the financial burden.

Without hassle, you will be financially protected immediately in the event of death or total and permanent disability.

EZI Term – Get your quick and hassle free protection now.

Important Notice on Income Protection Coverage

Income protection – the ability to ensure financial security even in the face of crises such as long-term illness, disability or death – plays a crucial role in our lives and that of our loved ones. Yet, the income protection gap is present in many families, who do not have financial compensation should there be a reduction / loss in household income due unexpected events. To get a quick calculation on how much insurance / takaful coverage can be obtained based on your budget and needs, try out Protection Gap and Budget Calculator.

  • English
  • Bahasa Malaysia
  • Why should I choose this plan?

    Choice of coverage up to RM500,000

    It provides you with 6 options to protect against the unexpected. You can choose your ideal sum covered to ensure you and your family are well provided for, in case Death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) occurs.


    Flexible Coverage Term

    You can tailor your coverage term based on your financial circumstance and needs. This flexibility ensures you can plan your coverage as you progress in life.


    No medical examination required

    Best of all, there is no hassle of getting a medical examination to get covered. Just answer a simple questionnaire and submit your application over the counter at our participating branches.

  • What kind of plan and coverage is right for me?
    Please use the Protection Gap and Budget Calculator to determine how much coverage you require and how much contributions you can afford. 
  • Who is eligible for this plan?
    Anyone between 18 years old and 50 years old is eligible to sign up this plan.
  • How do I make a nomination?
    To nominate your beneficiaries, please fill in the Nomination Form and submit the form at your nearest Zurich branch.
  • How do I make a claim?

    Step 1


    Prepare the required documents as stated below.

    Step 2

    Step 2

    Complete the required form(s) and get your attending doctor to complete the required Physician’s Statement form (if applicable).

    Step 3

    full documents

    Ensure all the required documents are complete and submit them via your servicing agent or your nearest Zurich branch.

    Step 4


    Check your claim status by calling us at 1-300-888-622 or writing in to us.

    • Death
    • Total and Permanent Disability
    A. Compulsory documents:
    1. Claimant’s Statement Form
    2. CTC of Claimant’s NRIC / Passport / Residence card
    3. CTC of Death Certificate


    B. Additional documents (if any):
    1. CTC of Marriage Certificate (if claimant is spouse) or Birth Certificate of Claimant (if claimant is child) or Birth Certificate of Deceased (if claimant is parents) as Proof of Relationship
    2. Original Certificate Contract
    3. Original Letter of Consent (4 copies)
    4. CTC of report of death abroad from National Registration Department (NRD) - if Person Covered died abroad
    5. Letter of Administration / Grant of Probate / Distribution Order (applicable for certificate without nomination)
    6. CTC of Deceased’s NRIC / Passport / Residence card


    C. Documents to be completed if death due to sickness or natural cause:
    1. Physician’s Statement Form 


    D. Documents to be submitted if death due to accident:
    1. CTC of Post Mortem / Coroner’s Report (for certificate duration of less than 5 years from the Issue Date or Reinstatement Date, whichever is later)
    2. CTC of Toxicology Report, if any
    3. CTC of Police Report
    4. Newspaper Cutting, if any (Please translate to English or Bahasa Malaysia if the article is not in either of these languages)


    A. Compulsory ocuments:
    1. Claimant’s Statement Form
    2. CTC of Claimant’s NRIC / Passport / Residence card
    3. Total and Permanent Disability Claim Form (Part B - Attending Physician’s Statement)
    4. Neurological Examination Report (NER)


    B. Additional documents (if any):
    1. CTC of other Medical Report (if relevant)
    2. CTC of EPF Withdrawal letter, if applicable
    3. CTC of SOCSO Offer Letter / SOCSO “Keputusan Jemaah Doktor Mengenai Keilatan” (if applicable)
    4. Original Letter of Consent (4 copies)
    5. Original Certificate Contract
    6. CTC of Employment Termination Letter, if applicable


    C. Documents to be submitted if the disability is due to accident:
    1. CTC of Police Report
    2. Newspaper Cutting, if any (Please translate to English or Bahasa Malaysia if the article is not in either of these languages)

    If you wish to talk to us regarding your claim and have any queries on the above, you may call us at 1-300-888-622 or write in to us.

    Important Notes:
    1. CTC - Certified True Copy
    2. To facilitate the processing, please submit to us all required documents.
    3. The copy of documents must be certified by Zurich Takaful Officer, Judge, Magistrate or Solicitors
    4. The list of required documents for Family Takaful Claims serves as a guideline for claims submission. The Company reserves the right to request for further information or documents if deemed necessary. 

  • Where can I get more information?
  • Contact us.

    Meet a Zurich Takaful Agent    

    Send an enquiry for a Zurich Takaful Agent meeting

    Locate Your Nearest Zurich Branch  

    Locate Your Nearest Zurich Branch

    Contact Our Zurich Call Centre

    Contact Our Zurich Takaful Customer Care 

The benefits payable are protected by PIDM up to limits and the protection on benefits from the unit portion is subject to limitations. Please refer to PIDM TIPS brochure or contact Zurich Takaful Malaysia Berhad or PIDM.

Zurich Takaful operates under the principle of Wakalah, whereby the Takaful Operator acts as an agent to the Participant for managing the operations of the Takaful business. A Wakalah Fee will be charged up-front from the contributions made. Tabarru’ (donation) will be deducted to the Participant Risk Investment Account (PRIA), where it will be used for mutual aid and assistance, based on the concept of Takaful. The benefits are paid from the PRIA only upon a covered loss, and not upon maturity or surrender of the certificate. Surplus Sharing (if any) at the end of each financial year will be shared between the Participant, and Zurich Takaful at a 50:50 ratio. The investment profit earned on the Participant Investment Account (PIA) is derived from the return on underlying assets and Zurich Takaful charges a Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar Fee (Investment Agency Fee) for managing these assets. The investment risk in PIA is fully borne by the Participant. 100% of investment profit earned, net of tax, less the aforementioned Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar Fee, will remain in the PIA for the benefit of the Participant. There will be no further sharing of the investment profit arising in the PIA with Shareholders.

  • Kenapa saya perlu pilih pelan ini?

    Pilihan Perlindungan Sehingga RM500,000

    Terdapat 6 pilihan untuk perlindungan daripada kejadian di luar jangkaan. Anda boleh memilih jumlah perlindungan asas yang paling sesuai untuk memastikan anda dan keluarga anda dilindungi sekiranya berlaku Kematian atau Hilang Upaya Keseluruhan Kekal (HUKK) akibat semua sebab.


    Tempoh Perlindungan Yang Fleksibel

    Anda boleh memilih tempoh perlindungan yang sesuai dengan keperluan dan situasi kewangan anda. Ciri-ciri fleksibel ini memastikan anda boleh merancang perlindungan supaya seiring dengan setiap peringkat hidup anda.


    Tiada Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Diperlukan

    Paling menarik, anda tidak perlu melakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan untuk mendapatkan perlindungan. Anda cuma perlu menjawab soal selidik yang mudah dan serahkan permohonan anda melalui talian.

  • Apakah pelan dan perlindungan yang terbaik untuk saya?
    Sila guna Kalkulator Bajet & Jurang Perlindungan untuk menentukan tahap perlindungan yang anda perlukan serta jumlah sumbangan yang mengikut kemampuan anda. 
  • Apakah syarat kelayakan menyertai pelan ini?
    Sesiapa sahaja yang berumur di antara 18 tahun sehingga 50 tahun layak menyertai.
  • Bagaimanakah cara untuk membuat penamaan penerima manfaat?
    Untuk menamakan penerima manfaat, sila isi Borang Penamaan dan hantar borang ini ke cawangan Zurich yang berdekatan
  • Bagaimanakah cara untuk membuat tuntutan?

    Langkah 1


    Sediakan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan seperti yang dinyatakan di bawah.

    Langkah 2

    Step 2

    Lengkapkan borang-borang yang berkenaan dan dapatkan doktor anda untuk lengkapkan borang Pernyataan Doktor (jika berkenaan).

    Langkah 3

    full documents

    Pastikan semua borang telah dilengkapkan dan hantar ke cawangan Zurich yang berdekatan.

    Langkah 4


    Semak status tuntutan anda dengan menghubungi kami di 1-300-888-622 atau hantarkan pertanyaan anda kepada kami.

    • Death
    • Total and Permanent Disability
    A. Compulsory documents:
    1. Claimant’s Statement Form
    2. CTC of Claimant’s NRIC / Passport / Residence card
    3. CTC of Death Certificate


    B. Additional documents (if any):
    1. CTC of Marriage Certificate (if claimant is spouse) or Birth Certificate of Claimant (if claimant is child) or Birth Certificate of Deceased (if claimant is parents) as Proof of Relationship
    2. Original Certificate Contract
    3. Original Letter of Consent (4 copies)
    4. CTC of report of death abroad from National Registration Department (NRD) - if Person Covered died abroad
    5. Letter of Administration / Grant of Probate / Distribution Order (applicable for certificate without nomination)
    6. CTC of Deceased’s NRIC / Passport / Residence card


    C. Documents to be completed if death due to sickness or natural cause:
    1. Physician’s Statement Form 


    D. Documents to be submitted if death due to accident:
    1. CTC of Post Mortem / Coroner’s Report (for certificate duration of less than 5 years from the Issue Date or Reinstatement Date, whichever is later)
    2. CTC of Toxicology Report, if any
    3. CTC of Police Report
    4. Newspaper Cutting, if any (Please translate to English or Bahasa Malaysia if the article is not in either of these languages)


    A. Compulsory ocuments:
    1. Claimant’s Statement Form
    2. CTC of Claimant’s NRIC / Passport / Residence card
    3. Total and Permanent Disability Claim Form (Part B - Attending Physician’s Statement)
    4. Neurological Examination Report (NER)


    B. Additional documents (if any):
    1. CTC of other Medical Report (if relevant)
    2. CTC of EPF Withdrawal letter, if applicable
    3. CTC of SOCSO Offer Letter / SOCSO “Keputusan Jemaah Doktor Mengenai Keilatan” (if applicable)
    4. Original Letter of Consent (4 copies)
    5. Original Certificate Contract
    6. CTC of Employment Termination Letter, if applicable


    C. Documents to be submitted if the disability is due to accident:
    1. CTC of Police Report
    2. Newspaper Cutting, if any (Please translate to English or Bahasa Malaysia if the article is not in either of these languages)

    If you wish to talk to us regarding your claim and have any queries on the above, you may call us at 1-300-888-622 or write in to us.

    Important Notes:
    1. CTC - Certified True Copy
    2. To facilitate the processing, please submit to us all required documents.
    3. The copy of documents must be certified by Zurich Takaful Officer, Judge, Magistrate or Solicitors
    4. The list of required documents for Family Takaful Claims serves as a guideline for claims submission. The Company reserves the right to request for further information or documents if deemed necessary. 

  • Di manakah saya boleh mendapat lebih maklumat?
  • Hubungi kami.

    Berjumpa dengan Ejen Zurich Takaful

    Send an enquiry for a Zurich Takaful Agent meeting

    Cari Cawangan Zurich yang Berhampiran

    Locate Your Nearest Zurich Branch

    Hubungi Zurich Call Centre

Manfaat-manfaat yang dibayar adalah dilindungi oleh PIDM sehingga had perlindungan. Sila rujuk Brosur Sistem Perlindungan Manfaat Takaful dan Insurans PIDM atau hubungi Zurich Takaful Malaysia Berhad atau PIDM.

Zurich Takaful beroperasi di bawah prinsip Wakalah di mana Pengendali Takaful selaku agen mengendalikan operasi perniagaan Takaful kepada Peserta. Yuran Wakalah akan dikenakan sekali bersama dengan caruman yang dibuat. Jumlah Tabarru’ akan dimasukkan ke dalam Akaun Pelaburan Risiko Peserta (APRP / Participant Risk Investment Account) di mana ia akan digunakan untuk membantu Peserta lain berdasarkan Konsep Takaful. Manfaat akan dibayar daripada APRP hanya untuk kerugian yang dilindungi, dan bukanlah semasa Sijil matang atau penyerahan Sijil. Lebihan pada setiap akhir tahun kewangan (jika ada) akan dikongsi di antara Peserta dan Zurich Takaful mengikut nisbah 50:50. Keuntungan daripada pelaburan yang diperolehi daripada Akaun Pelaburan Peserta (APP / Participant Investment Account) adalah berdasarkan kepadaaset yang disandarkan dan Zurich Takaful akan mengenakan bayaran Yuran Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar (Yuran Wakil Pelaburan) untuk menguruskan aset tersebut. Risiko pelaburan di dalam APP ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh Peserta. 100% keuntungan pelaburan selepas cukai, tolak Yuran Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar seperti dinyatakan, akan kekal di dalam APP untuk manfaat Peserta. Tiada perkongsian ke atas sebarang keuntungan yang ada di dalam APP dengan pemegang saham.

Note: This is a pure protection product where the sole purpose of the product is to provide you with coverage for specific covered events. You should not expect to receive any investment return throughout the term of the policy or when the policy matures. This product is distributed and sold without going through any intermediaries.

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