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Enjoy life with our comprehensive medical coverage

MediPro Medical Rider offers 4 medical takaful plans which are - comprehensive medical coverage, protection of up to RM2,000,000 with no lifetime limit, mental illness coverage, and cancer survivor benefit. You can select a medical coverage plan that aligns to you and your family needs the most. So, if any unexpected situation crops up, rest assured that you are provided with all the necessary financial support for your healthcare needs. You can select any of the Shariah-compliant MediPro Medical Rider comprehensive medical plans to your Takaful ProEssential plan or any other medical takaful plan as an add-on to get the maximum benefits.


  • English
  • Bahasa Malaysia
  • What benefits do I get with my MediPro?

    Comprehensive Medical Coverage

    This plan provides comprehensive coverage ranging from pre-hospitalisation diagnostic tests, post hospitalisation treatments to outpatient benefits including kidney dialysis and cancer treatments.

    Protection of up to RM2,000,000 with No Lifetime Limit

    With one of the few plans that offers no Lifetime Limit, we ensure comprehensive protection throughout your golden years. You have the flexibility to choose from any of the 4 plans with Overall Annual Limit up to RM2,000,000.

    Mental Illness Coverage

    With this rider, you will be covered against 5 major mental illnesses including Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder.

    Cancer Survivor Benefit

    With this benefit, you can get reimbursement up to RM3,000 for the cost of diagnostic test. This benefit is only applicable for Gold and Platinum plan.

    Hassle-free Hospital Admissions

    MediPro provides cashless hospitalisation where you can get speedy admission with your medical card at any of our panel hospitals. Upon discharged, you just need to pay a Deductible of RM500 per Rider Certificate Year while we will take care of the balance of the covered expenses in your bill.

    Additional Benefits

    Designed to give you a total medical protection, MediPro also comes with additional benefits such as second medical option, home nursing care and many more as you deserve the best medical care.

    Note: Terms and conditions apply.
  • MediPro plans that you can choose from?

    Schedule of Benefits

    Annual Limit1 1,000,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 2,000,000
    Lifetime Limit Unlimited
    Daily Hospital Room & Board
    (unlimited number of days)
    200 300 500 1,000
    Intensive Care Unit or High Dependency Unit
    (maximum 120 days per annum)

    As charged,
    Subject to any Deductible2

    Hospital Supplies & Services
    Surgical Fees 
    Anaesthetist Fees
    Operating Theatre
    Ambulance Fees

    Pre-Hospital Diagnostic Tests
    (within 90 days prior to admission)

    • Diagnostic Tests
    • Specialist and Consultation
    • Medication and Treatment
    In-Hospital Physician Visit
    Post-Hospitalisation Treatment
    (within 180 days after discharge)
    Organ Transplant
    (once per lifetime)
    Day-Care Surgery
    Intraocular Lens
    (once per lifetime on each eye)

    As charged

    Out-Patient Kidney Dialysis Treatment As charged
    Out-Patient Cancer Treatment
    Emergency Accidental Out-Patient Treatment
    (within 72 hours and follow-up treatment up to a maximum of 31 days)
    Out-Patient Physiotherapy Treatment
    (within 180 days from discharge/surgery)
    As charged,
    Subject to any Deductible2
    Out-Patient Dengue Fever Treatment
    (maximum limit per event)

    Not applicable 


    Hospitalisation due to Mental Illness 
    (limit per annum)
    1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
    Cancer Survivor Benefit
    (limit per annum)
    Not applicable 2,500 3,000
    Infectious Disease Benefit
    (Limit per Infectious Disease)
    2,500 3,000
    Second Medical Opinion 
    (limit per annum)


    Daily Cash Allowance at Government Hospital
    (maximum 200 days per annum)
    75 100 150 200
    Guardian Benefit3
    (maximum per Any One Disability)
    200 250 300 450
    Home Nursing Care
    (maximum per Any One Disability)
    500 750 1,000 1,500
    Medical Report Fees 

    As charged

    Referral Emergency Assistance Programme (EAP)  

    In accordance with the benefit provisions in Referral EAP agreement

    1Out-Patient Dengue Fever Treatment, Special Benefits and Referral Emergency Assistance Programme are not included into the Annual Limit.
    2A Deductible of RM500 per Rider Certificate Year shall apply for 2 Rider Certificate Years from the commencement of the Supplementary Contract. Thereafter, the Deductible shall be zero. However, if there is a claim being made for any event, excluding Infectious Disease Benefit, in any one Rider Certificate Year, the Deductible of RM500 will be reapplied in the next 2 Rider Certificate Years.
    3This benefit is only applicable to Person Covered aged 15 years old and below.

  • How Does MediPro Work?

    MediPro Medical Rider provides comprehensive medical takaful plans that you can choose from. Each medical coverage plan is further subdivided into Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum categories. For example, if you subscribe to the comprehensive medical coverage plan and opt for the Platinum category of this plan, then you will accordingly receive the benefits as defined in that category and the plan.

    For instance, let’s say you have signed up for the Platinum category of a plan with an annual limit of  RM2,000,000. Now, if you have an accident in your 6th rider certificate year, you will be entitled to privileges such as daily room and board benefits of up to RM1000. If you have not made any claim in the first 5 years, then you won’t have to pay the deductible amount of RM500 (applicable for the first 2 rider certificate years). The medical expenses will be covered by the MediPro Medical Rider plan up to a limit of RM2,000,000.

    However, as you have made the claim in your 6th rider certificate year, a deductible of RM500 will be re-applied for the next 2 rider certificate years. This means, if you again have to get admitted to the hospital in the 7th rider certificate year and your bill sums up to RM1000, then you will have to pay a deductible or RM500. The remaining RM500 from your bill will be incurred by MediPro.

    Now, after getting discharged, if you get hospitalised again in the same year, the deductible will not be reapplied.

  • How does the Deductible work?

    Deductible is a fixed amount you are required to pay for medical expenses incurred as cost sharing. You will need to pay the initial RM500 and we will pay the rest of the medical expenses. The Deductible shall apply for the first 2 Rider Certificate Years. Thereafter, the Deductible shall be zero. However, if there is a claim being made for any event, excluding Infectious Disease Benefit, in any one of Rider Certificate Years, the Deductible will be reapplied in the next 2 Rider Certificate Years.

    Here is an example of how Deductible is not applicable when you stay healthy:

    1 RM500 No
    2 RM500 No
    3 RM0 Yes
    4 RM500 No
    5 RM500 No
    6 RM0 No
    7 RM0 No
  • Who is eligible for the MediPro Plan?
    Anyone between 14 days old to 60 years old (attained age) are eligible to attach MediPro as a rider to Takaful ProEssential. However, the Participant must be at least 16 years old.
  • Where can I get more information about MediPro?
  • MediPro Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a medical rider?

    Medical riders are optional contribution medical takaful plans that come with extra benefits and medical coverage. Participants of a takaful plan can choose to add a medical rider plan to an existing plan. For instance, if a participant subscribes to the Zurich Takaful ProEssential plan, then he/she can also add the MediPro Medical Rider comprehensive medical plan to the ProEssential plan to get extra benefits.


    What is MediPro?

    MediPro is an optional medical rider plan. Participants can add this optional plan to any ordinary family takaful plans. The MediPro medical rider plan also offers coverage up to age 80 or the maturity of your basic certificate, whichever is earlier.


    What is the coverage term for MediPro?

    The MediPro rider medical coverage term follows the same coverage term of your basic certificate. MediPro will be in-force continuously as long as the Participant Investment Account (PIA) is sufficient to cover the Tabarru’.


    How much is the contribution?

    The contribution varies as per the attained age, gender, plan selected and underwriting decision. You will be notified of any revision on the contribution and Tabarru’ with a 3 months prior written notice. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet for the contribution.


    Is the contribution made for this medical rider eligible for income tax relief?

    Yes. Contribution made to the MediPro medical rider plan is eligible to income tax relief in addition to other family takaful or life insurance plans, subject to the final decision of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRB).


    Am I covered for medical treatment received outside Malaysia?

    Yes, but the medical treatment outside Malaysia has to be referred by the Attending Physician, and it is limited to the Reasonable and Customary and Medically Necessary Charges that are equivalent to the local treatment found in Malaysia. If you are residing or travelling outside Malaysia, the worldwide medical coverage is subject to a maximum of 90 consecutive days.


    What is not covered by MediPro?

    MediPro medical rider plan does not cover any hospitalisation, surgery or charges listed below. Please note that the list is not exhaustive and reference should be made to the comprehensive list in Takaful Certificate.

    1. Pre-existing illness.
    2. Specified Illnesses occurring during the first 120 days of continuous cover.
    3. Any medical or physical conditions arising within the first 30 days of the Commencement Date or Reinstatement Date whichever is later except for accidental injuries.


  • Contact Us.

The benefits payable are protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM TIPS brochure or contact Zurich Takaful Malaysia Berhad or PIDM.

Zurich Takaful operates under the principle of Wakalah, whereby the Takaful Operator acts as an agent to the Participant for managing the operations of the Takaful business. A Wakalah Fee will be charged up-front from the contributions made. Tabarru’ (donation) will be deducted to the Participant Risk Investment Account (PRIA), where it will be used for mutual aid and assistance, based on the concept of Takaful. The benefits are paid from the PRIA only upon a covered loss, and not upon maturity or surrender of the certificate. Surplus Sharing (if any) at the end of each financial year will be shared between the Participant, and Zurich Takaful at a 50:50 ratio. The investment profit earned on the Participant Investment Account (PIA) is derived from the return on underlying assets and Zurich Takaful charges a Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar Fee (Investment Agency Fee) for managing these assets. The investment risk in PIA is fully borne by the Participant. 100% of investment profit earned, net of tax, less the aforementioned Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar Fee, will remain in the PIA for the benefit of the Participant. There will be no further sharing of the investment profit arising in the PIA with Shareholders.

  • Apakah manfaat yang saya perolehi?

    Perlindungan Perubatan yang Komprehensif

    Pelan ini memberikan perlindungan komprehensif termasuk ujian diagnostik pra-kemasukan hospital, rawatan selepas penghospitalan serta manfaat pesakit luar seperti dialisis buah pinggang dan rawatan kanser.

    Perlindungan sehingga RM2,000,000 Tanpa Had Seumur Hidup

    Melalui penawaran pelan Tanpa Had Seumur Hidup, kami memastikan perlindungan komprehensif sepanjang usia emas anda. Anda mempunyai kebebasan untuk memilih salah satu daripada 4 pelan dengan Had Tahunan Keseluruhan sehingga RM2,000,000.

    Perlindungan Penyakit Mental

    Dengan manfaat tambahan ini, anda akan dilindungi terhadap 5 penyakit mental yang major termasuk Gangguan Kemurungan, Gangguan Bipolar, Gangguan Obsesif Kompulsif, Skizofrenia dan Gangguan Skizoafektif.

    Manfaat Bebas Kanser

    Dengan manfaat ini, perbelanjaan ujian diagnosis anda akan dibayar balik sehingga RM3,000. Manfaat ini hanya untuk pelan Gold dan Platinum sahaja.

    Kemasukan Hospital Tanpa Kerumitan

    MediPro menawarkan penghospitalan tanpa tunai di mana anda boleh mendapatkan kemasukan hospital segera dengan kad perubatan anda di mana-mana hospital panel kami. Ketika discaj, anda hanya perlu menjelaskan Deduktibel sebanyak RM500 bagi setiap Tahun Sijil Manfaat Tambahan manakala kami akan menyelesaikan baki perbelanjaan yang ditanggung dalam bil anda.

    Manfaat Tambahan

    Direka untuk memberikan anda perlindungan sepenuhnya, MediPro juga menyediakan manfaat tambahan seperti pendapat perubatan kedua, penjagaan kejururawatan di rumah dan banyak lagi supaya anda boleh mendapatkan penjagaan perubatan yang terbaik.

    Nota: Tertakluk pada terma dan syarat.
  • Adakah terdapat senarai pelan yang boleh saya pilih?

    Jadual Manfaat

    Had Tahunan1 1,000,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 2,000,000
    Had Seumur Hidup Tiada Had Seumur Hidup 
    Bilik Hospital & Penginapan Harian
    (tiada had bilangan hari)
    200 300 500 1,000
    Unit Rawatan Rapi atau Unit Kebergantungan Tinggi 
    (maksimum 120 hari setahun)

    Seperti Yang Dicaj,
    tertakluk kepada sebarang Deduktibel2

    Bekalan & Khidmat Hospital 
    Bayaran Pembedahan
    Bayaran Pakar Bius
    Bilik Pembedahan 
    Bayaran Ambulans 

    Ujian Diagnostik Pra-Kemasukan Hospital
    (dalam masa 90 hari sebelum kemasukan)

    • Ujian Diagnostik
    • Rundingan Pakar
    • Ubat dan Rawatan
    Lawatan Pakar Perubatan Dalam Hospital
    Rawatan Selepas Penghospitalan
    (dalam masa 180 hari selepas discaj)
    Pemindahan Organ
    (sekali bagi seumur hidup)
    Pembedahan Harian 
    Kanta Intraokular
    (sekali bagi seumur hidup bagi setiap mata)

    Seperti Yang Dicaj 

    Rawatan Dialisis Buah Pinggang Pesakit Luar  Seperti Yang Dicaj
    Rawatan Kanser Pesakit Luar 
    Rawatan Pesakit Luar Bagi Kemalangan dan Kecemasan
    (dalam masa 72 jam dan rawatan susulan sehingga maksima 31 hari)
    Rawatan Fisioterapi Pesakit Luar
    (dalam masa 180 hari dari tarikh keluar Hospital/Pembedahan)
    Seperti Yang Dicaj,
    tertakluk kepada sebarang Deduktibel2
    Rawatan Pesakit Luar Bagi Demam Denggi
    (had maksima setiap kejadian)

    Tidak berkenaan 


    Penghospitalan disebabkan Penyakit Mental 
    (had setahun)
    1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
    Manfaat Bebas Kanser
    (had setahun)
    Tidak berkenaan 2,500 3,000
    Manfaat Penyakit Berjangkit
    (had setiap Penyakit Berjangkit)
    2,500 3,000
    Pendapat Perubatan Kedua 
    (had setahun)


    Elaun Tunai Harian di Hospital Kerajaan
    (maksimum 200 hari setahun)
    75 100 150 200
    Manfaat Penjaga3
    (maksimum setiap Hilang Upaya)
    200 250 300 450
    Penjagaan Kejuruwatan di Rumah
    (maksimum setiap Hilang Upaya)
    500 750 1,000 1,500
    Bayaran Laporan Perubatan

    Seperti Yang Dicaj 

    Program Rujukan Bantuan Kecemasan  

    Seperti yang tertakluk dalam peruntukan manfaat dibawah Program Rujukan Bantuan Kecemasan

    1Rawatan Pesakit Luar Bagi Demam Denggi, Manfaat Istimewa dan Program Rujukan Bantuan Kecemasan tidak termasuk dalam Had Tahunan.
    2Deduktibel sebanyak RM500 bagi setiap Tahun Sijil Manfaat Tambahan akan dikenakan untuk 2 Tahun Sijil Manfaat Tambahan bermula daripada tarikh permulaan sijil ini. Selepas itu, Deduktibel akan menjadi sifar. Bagaimanapun, jika tuntutan dibuat untuk mana-mana keadaan, kecuali Manfaat Penyakit Berjangkit, dalam mana-mana satu Tahun Sijil Manfaat Tambahan, Deduktibel sebanyak RM500 akan dikenakan bagi 2 Tahun Sijil Manfaat Tambahan berikutnya.
    3Manfaat ini hanya sah untuk Orang Yang Dilindungi berumur 15 tahun dan ke bawah.

  • Bagaimanakah Deduktibel berfungsi?

    Deduktibel adalah jumlah tetap yang perlu anda bayar untuk perbelanjaan perubatan yang ditanggung sebagai perkongsian kos. Anda perlu membayar RM500 dan kami akan membayar perbelanjaan perubatan selebihnya. Deduktibel akan dikenakan untuk 2 Tahun Sijil Manfaat Tambahan pertama. Selepas itu, Deduktibel akan menjadi sifar. Bagaimanapun, jika tuntutan dibuat untuk mana-mana keadaan, kecuali Manfaat Penyakit Berjangkit, dalam mana-mana satu Tahun Sijil Manfaat Tambahan, Deduktibel akan dikenakan semula untuk 2 Tahun Sijil Manfaat Tambahan berikutnya.

    Berikut adalah contoh di mana Deduktibel tidak akan dikenakan apabila anda kekal sihat:

    1 RM500 Tiada
    2 RM500 Tiada
    3 RM0 Ada
    4 RM500 Tiada
    5 RM500 Tiada
    6 RM0 Tiada
    7 RM0 Tiada
  • Apakah syarat kelayakan menyertai pelan ini?
    Sesiapa yang berumur di antara 14 hari dan 60 tahun (umur dicapai) layak untuk melampirkan MediPro sebagai manfaat tambahan kepada pelan Takaful ProEssential. Bagaimanapun, peserta mestilah berumur sekurang-kurangnya 16 tahun.
  • Di manakah saya boleh mendapat lebih maklumat?
  • Hubungi kami.
Manfaat-manfaat yang dibayar adalah dilindungi oleh PIDM sehingga had perlindungan. Sila rujuk Brosur Sistem Perlindungan Manfaat Takaful dan Insurans PIDM atau hubungi Zurich Takaful Malaysia Berhad atau PIDM.

Zurich Takaful beroperasi di bawah prinsip Wakalah di mana Pengendali Takaful selaku agen mengendalikan operasi perniagaan Takaful kepada Peserta. Yuran Wakalah akan dikenakan sekali bersama dengan caruman yang dibuat. Jumlah Tabarru’ akan dimasukkan ke dalam Akaun Pelaburan Risiko Peserta (APRP / Participant Risk Investment Account) di mana ia akan digunakan untuk membantu Peserta lain berdasarkan Konsep Takaful. Manfaat akan dibayar daripada APRP hanya untuk kerugian yang dilindungi, dan bukanlah semasa Sijil matang atau penyerahan Sijil. Lebihan pada setiap akhir tahun kewangan (jika ada) akan dikongsi di antara Peserta dan Zurich Takaful mengikut nisbah 50:50. Keuntungan daripada pelaburan yang diperolehi daripada Akaun Pelaburan Peserta (APP / Participant Investment Account) adalah berdasarkan kepadaaset yang disandarkan dan Zurich Takaful akan mengenakan bayaran Yuran Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar (Yuran Wakil Pelaburan) untuk menguruskan aset tersebut. Risiko pelaburan di dalam APP ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh Peserta. 100% keuntungan pelaburan selepas cukai, tolak Yuran Wakalah Bi al-Istithmar seperti dinyatakan, akan kekal di dalam APP untuk manfaat Peserta. Tiada perkongsian ke atas sebarang keuntungan yang ada di dalam APP dengan pemegang saham.