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Congratulations to our winners of 'Share & Menang' contest!

Contest period: 1 September - 31 December 2023

Winners' Heartfelt Reflections on What Truly Matters

  • Grand Winners
  • December 2023
  • November 2023
  • October 2023
  • September 2023

- Yoong Su Chin

Family bond matters to me the most. There is a longing that resides deep within my heart - to carry my mother's ashes back to Malaysia. For forty years, she resided in distant Canada with my brothers. My brothers confided in me, revealing our mother's hidden tears as she gazed upon our photographs, longing to be with us.

Time, a ruthless thief, snatched away her memories, leaving her unable to embrace her four daughters once more. The ache of not feeling her gentle touch, of not intertwining our fingers, of not sharing laughter and tears, burdened our hearts unbearably.

A fleeting moment remains etched in my mind when she briefly graced Malaysia's shores. Yet, the bitter truth lingers: my children, nieces and nephews never had the chance to bask in her presence for long, unable to create lasting and meaningful memories with their grandmother.

This journey surpasses mere physicality; it transforms into an emotional pilgrimage. It grants us the opportunity to visit our mum more frequently, finding solace in the knowledge that she has finally landed in her home. It is a testament to the unbreakable bond between a mother and her children, a bond that transcends time and distance.

- Chin Yoke Ling

My inspiration and joy comes from my two daughters. When my youngest daughter wrote a poem about growing up for her high school assignment, she wrote:

“Growing up is knowing it’s okay to be a red M&M,
In a bowl of blue M&M
Because acting the way society wants make you unhappy”.

Through the years, I taught my daughters to always be the best versions of themselves and strive for the best. Nothing matters more to me than my family as I’m nobody without them.

My husband and I are so proud of our eldest daughter fulfilling her dream of completing a degree in the US. Soon, she will be flying to New York City to be with her fiancé. As my husband and I are retired, the prize money would help fund our trip to witness their wedding and pay for her dream wedding that she deserves. Being able to see our firstborn get married would be one of the proudest moments for us and we wouldn’t want to miss it.

Zurich has always been part of our financial plan's safety net that provides us with a peace of mind for Zurich cares for what matters!

- Tan Sheng Qiao

First, I plan to travel with my family. It's been years since our last family trip, and reminiscing fills me with nostalgia. Although we haven't decided on a travel destination yet, I believe that as long as I'm with my family, wherever we go, it will be a journey filled with memories, sharing joy and precious moments.

Secondly, I plan to open my own flower shop, aiming for each bouquet to bring happiness and express love and gratitude for life, offering a moment of pause in people's busy lives to appreciate life's beauty.

My passion for floral art comes from the warm atmosphere of my family. In my childhood, my mother always brought home flowers, filling our house with happiness. Often, I joined her in arranging them, each time was a cherished moment, admiring the beauty of flowers together, chatting, and sharing joy. These times felt especially warm and happy, fueling my deep love for floral art.

I also want to express my gratitude to my mother for being my role model. Her love and guidance have shaped my achievements today. Through floral art, I hope to convey my deep appreciation and love for her, acknowledging her importance in my life.

- Tan Sheng Qiao

Life has no drafts, time is valuable, keep moving towards a goal and make dreams come true. #CareForWhatMatters @zurichmys

- Chin Yoke Ling

Family matters most as I am nothing without my family. #CareForWhatMatters @zurichmys

- Yoong Su Chin

What matters the most to me is the time with family. As Zurich #CareForWhatMatter to me, I hope I can win these cash prizes so that I can explore the world with my family together. #CareForWhatMatters @zurichmys

- Chiang Pei Wen

Apart from happiness and good health, what matters the most to me in life are the financial protection and security of myself, my loved ones and my assets. #CareForWhatMatters @zurichmys

- Chan Zi Qing

What matters most to me is my family, who have always supported me. @zurichmys #CareForWhatMatters

- Wong Chin Chin

The best moments of life is spending time with your love ones. #CareForWhatMatters @zurichmys

- Choi Seng Wai

I do not want if i have accident, my medical expenses become a burden to my family. Thank you zurich @zurichmys #CareForWhatMatters

- Usha A/P  Bhaskaran

There’s nothing like a Grandchild to put a Smile on ur Face, Joy in your Soul & Deep Love in your Heart ❤️ Zurich #CareForWhatMatters

- Wong Chu Wing

What matters most in life is not how much money you have. It's about quotes and stuffs that tell you what life is really all about and here is a picture of my lovely cat. @zurichmys #CareForWhatMatters

- Ng Bak Wang

What I matter the most is to provide secure retirement saving protection and give child financial protection. @zurichmys #CareForWhatMatters

-Chai Seow Wei

What I matter the most is to secure my family's future and a good way to leave a legacy. @zurichmys #CareForWhatMatters

-Lee Chin Moong

Facilitating positive and meaningful connections through language and technology matters to me. @zurichmys #CareForWhatMatters

-Lim Mooi Soek

What I matter the most is to provide a source of cash during my lifetime and give my family control over of financial future. @zurichmys #CareForWhatMatters

- Nathan Menon

This Deepavali thought me something, everyone in our life actually #CareForWhatMatters to us & that is why I #CareForWhatMatters to them as they are my people & no man nor women can be truly happy without their people❤️🥂 @zurichmys

- Nathan Menon

Zurich #CareForWhatMatters to me is making sure ALL KIDS have a smile on their face, food in their bellys & feel true genuine Love ❤️ & Care 🥰 in their lives. @zurichmys

- Wong Yu Soon

What I matter most is my parents. I will keep caring, adoring and loving my parents forever, during the easy times and the challenges we now facing. We are in this together. #CareForWhatMatters @zurichmys

- Yap Ser Yong

What I matter most is to support my business, can be an income replacement. #CareForWhatMatters @zurichmys

- Ong Huey Yen

My baby matters me the most as he is my everything from the moment when 2 hearts beat as 1 inside my womb and he is my sunshine when I am down. #CareForWhatMatters @zurichmys

- Saw Sooi Ten

What matter to me the most is to get better in future life. #CareForWhatMatters @Zurich

- Yoong Su Chin

What matters the most for me at this stage is health. Without health, I can't accomplish many goals: travelling with family, playing taichi, and many more. Thank you Zurich for organising this awesome contest! #CareForWhatMatters @Zurich

- Nathan Menon

@Zurich #CareForWhatMatters; for me its Being A Loving King To My Beloved Family.

- Khairul Izzuwan Bin Mohd Zain

What matter to me the most is my love one. Their comfort, their health and their happiness. That is the point of my living. #CareForWhatMatters @Zurich

-Tan Siew Mei

My family is taken care of, I’m taken care of and that’s all that matters to me. #CareForWhatMatters @Zurich

- Tan Wei Han

Staying healthy matters me the most because health is the greatest wealth and only when we are healthy, we can have productive lifestyle and enjoy our life to the fullest. #CareForWhatMatters @Zurich

- Ong Hue Chin

Family matters me the most because family is where the heart belongs to and always filled with love, laughters, life and can show the real me! #CareForWhatMatters @Zurich